Monday Madness -- February 3, 2020

Well, friends, with the Super Bowl in the rearview mirror, it's time for another action-packed episode of Monday Madness! This week Tim and Scott toss viewers a Hail Mary by explaining why it's okay to play Lent Madness during the somber season of Lent. They also answer a "viewer" question about how they make a living doing this (spoiler alert: they're never retiring). And of course, there's plenty of time for shameless promotion of the Lentorium.


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Monthly Madness -- All Brackets' Edition

Sure, the regular season of Monday Madness begins just after Christmas. Okay, just after Valentine's Day. But it's never too soon to anticipate the thrills and drama of the Lent Madness season that is to come. After all, there are only 114 days days left until Ash Thursday!

Fortunately, Tim and Scott have taken some time out of their busy pre-Lenten schedules, for a special broadcast of Monthly Madness. In this edition, they highlight a few key battles of the newly-unveiled Lent Madness 2020 bracket, rack their brains to recall the Lent Madness url, and generally engage in penitential tomfoolery. And as you'll see, the opening battle of the upcoming 11th year of the Saintly Smackdown promises to be, more or less, one of the epic battles of all time.


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