Camillus de Lellis vs. Matthias

Welcome to the opening matchup of Lent Madness 2021! We kick things off with what we're calling the Gambler's Gambit, a matchup between Camillus de Lellis and Matthias. Of course, there's much more to these two than the fact that one is a reformed gambler and the other was chosen by lot (gambling!). But that's what our amazing Celebrity Bloggers are here for -- to bring to life the varied aspects of our saintly lineup over the coming weeks.

If you’re a veteran of the Saintly Smackdown, we’re delighted you’re back for another year of saintly thrills and spills. If you’re joining us for the first time, we’re especially glad you’re along for this wild penitential ride. If you’re curious about what this all entails, check out the About Lent Madness tab on the website. We assure you this is the safest, most socially-distanced Lenten devotion out there.

To experience the fullness of the Lent Madness experience, the Supreme Executive Committee (the somewhat benevolent dictatorship that runs this whole enterprise) encourages you to do several things. First, "like" Lent Madness on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter. Second, subscribe to the Lent Madness e-mails so you never miss a vote — you’ll get each matchup hand-delivered to your inbox on the weekdays of Lent. You can do this by going to the home page of our website and entering your e-mail address (near the top right). Third, you can support the ministry of Lent Madness by heading over to the Lentorium and purchasing Lent Madness swag, thereby impressing everyone in your virtual pew.

But mostly, we encourage you to read about the 32 saints participating in this year’s edition of Lent Madness, faithfully cast your (single!) vote on the weekdays of Lent, and add your comments to the great cloud of participating witnesses that gathers as the online Lent Madness community each year. If you’re wondering when your favorite saint will be competing – in order to rally your friends and neighbors (creative campaigning is encouraged, voter fraud is not) – you can check out the 2021 Matchup Calendar.

But enough blathering. It's time to cast your very first vote of Lent Madness 2021!

Camillus de Lellis 
Camillus began his life as anything but a saint. Born in 1550 in Italy, he was the son of a soldier who himself became a soldier of fortune. He had a well-deserved reputation for being a scoundrel, a gambler, and all-around trouble-maker. He suffered from a leg wound, but when he went to a hospital, Camillus was ousted because of his argumentative nature.

Ultimately, his leg wound brought his soldiering to an end, so he took up gambling. Destitute and desperate for food and a place to sleep, Camillus begged employ at a Capuchin friary in Manfredonia, Italy. After time with the order, he had a religious conversion. He applied to become a Franciscan three times but was denied because of his incurable wound and a lack of education.

The leg wound continued to plague Camillus, so he went back to the same hospital for treatment, working in exchange for a place to live. He eventually became the hospital’s superintendent while growing in his faith through spiritual direction, confession, and prayer. He still occasionally gambled and brawled, as old habits die hard. But he was also committed to a life of love and service and was ordained to the priesthood in 1584.

Inspired by his time at the hospital, Camillus gathered a group of lay and ordained men to tend to the needs of the poor and destitute who were sick, wounded, suffering, and dying. He called this group Servants of the Sick. In 1591, Pope Gregory XIV changed the name to Order of Clerks Regular, Ministers of the Infirm. This new religious order wore black cassocks and capes with a red cross over the chest—the original red cross insignia.

Camillus organized his order to help wherever needed: private homes, jails, streets, and battlefields. In 1601 during a battle, the Camillans’ hospital tent and all their supplies were burned to the ground except the red cross of one member’s religious habit—surely, they thought, a sign of divine approval for their work to help the sick and dying.

Camillus was canonized in 1746 and is a patron saint for hospitals, those who are sick, nurses, and doctors. He also offers divine assistance for those struggling with a gambling addiction. This order takes traditional vows, as well as a vow of unfailing service to the sick, even at risk to their own lives.

Collect for Camillus de Lellis 
Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son came not to be served but to serve: Bless all who, following in his steps, give themselves to the service of others; that with wisdom, patience, and courage, they may minister in his Name to the suffering, the friendless, and the needy, for the love of him who laid down his life for us, your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

—Laurie Brock


“And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles.” With that action, as detailed in Acts 1:26, Matthias joined the other Apostles, replacing the betrayer Judas Iscariot.

Other than the fact he was born in Judea, Matthias’s early life is lost to history and not much is known about him. However, according to tradition, he had been one of Jesus’ seventy disciples at the baptism by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. In fact, the witnessing of Jesus’ baptism was a key element in Matthias’s nomination to replace Judas. The other requirement was being present at the Ascension.

After the betrayal by Judas, the remaining apostles believed it was critical to keep their number at twelve, representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Two disciples met the standards for nomination; they cast lots, and Matthias was chosen. While Matthias’s selection occurred after the ascension of Jesus, it was before the Day of Pentecost. Therefore, Matthias was with the group in the Upper Room at the descent of the Holy Spirit. As with the other apostles, his ministry blossomed following the miracle of Pentecost.

From Jerusalem, Matthias traveled far to spread the word of Jesus. Historians say his ministry focused near Cappadocia in modern-day Turkey and the area around the Caspian Sea. Some reports indicate he made his way to today’s country of Georgia.

He died in 80 ce, but the particulars of his death vary greatly. Some report he was stoned to death and then beheaded in Jerusalem, while other accounts have him dying near Sebastopolis, now in Turkey, and still another stated he died of old age. As for his remains, some are interred in the Abbey of Santa Giustina, in Padua, Italy, thanks to Saint Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine, who had them transported there. Other relics are located in the Abbey of St. Matthias, in Trier, Germany.

He is the patron saint of alcoholics; tailors; Gary, Indiana; and Montana. He is prayed to for hope and perseverance and in instances of smallpox. He is often portrayed holding an ax, widely believed to be the instrument of his death. His feast day is February 24.

Collect for Matthias
Almighty God, who in the place of Judas chose your faithful servant Matthias to be numbered among the Twelve: Grant that your Church, being delivered from false apostles, may always be guided and governed by faithful and true pastors; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

—Neva Rae Fox

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Camillus de Lellis: Wikicommons, public domain
Matthias: Workshop of Simone Martini / Public domain


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237 comments on “Camillus de Lellis vs. Matthias”

  1. Being a dialysis patient, I voted for Camillus, because the doctors and nurses I work with are the most caring people I know. They have such a difficult job but perform it with dignity and caring. Camillus would be proud of them.

  2. My heart is with the person not picked to replace Judas. Just like when we were kids- in a neighborhood pick up basketball or baseball game - the last kid - not picked. The look on their face says it all. The person not picked when Matthias won is not lost to history. Acts 1:23 -- Let him be the first nominee for Lent Madness 2022.

    1. Thanks for that reminder, Mike. I had to look him up. Joseph called Barsabbas, also known as Justus. Is he eligible?

    2. Thank you so much for that reference! Had never really thought about the "loser" before. Even though he must have been impressive to be in the running, it is never easy to not be chosen.

  3. Both are worthy, and it seems only appropriate in the midst of the pandemic to highlight someone who provided healthcare, the first Red Cross, etc. But we’re going with Matthias today, in recognition of our friend Mathias Forson, who pastors in his homeland, Ghana.

  4. In this sea of uncertainty, the Lenten anchor of this beloved Madness! Thank you SEC. Retired nurse that I am, my respect for the Red Cross and the ongoing prayer that we are all able to find strength in our "broken places" gave my vote to Camillus today. Have a Holy Lent all - be safe and well.

  5. My grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great grandfather, and great-great-great grandfather all were named Mathias, so that’s who I voted for. As a patron saint of alcoholics, his help has probably been requested many times during this pandemic.

  6. So good to ha e Le t Madness again it’s been a long year. I voted for Camillus, who has such an inspiring story, but was drawn to Matthias as well. Great start.

  7. Endearing as Camillus is, I have to thank St. Matthias. His story inspired me to suggest to the deadlocked calling committee at a certain parish that they each give up the right to control the outcome and agree to make their decision by casting lots. They were so desperate after weeks of badgering each other to try to change one vote in either direction, that after studying and praying over the story from Acts 1, that's what they decided to do.
    After congratulating them when they broke out the champagne and reported their long-awaited success, I urged them to share what they had learned from this story --with the vestry and congregation, with their rector-elect, and every time they found themselves at loggerheads. Sometimes in a diverse community of strong-willed people, you have to agree to let the Spirit control the outcome.
    (As it turned out, the candidate on whom the lot fell was so disconcerted by this process on hearing about it, that they decided not to accept the call -- but that's another story.)

  8. Patron Saint of Hospitals! Okay, in the time of COVID, I'm going to have to go with Camillus. Pluse after reading his story, I feel a great affection for him. I too am a jerk and have a hard time letting go of my argumentative and aggressive ways. I pray everyday for patience. I love the example of a man who was flawed but kept trying to be better in Christ's name.

  9. Shout out to our Dauntless Superstar Writers for the collects they have composed, which are always worth reading with care. I especially like the wry subtext in Neva Rae's, averring that the church [is] "being delivered from false apostles." Is the church even now BEING delivered from false apostles? or is it BEING THAT the church HAS BEEN delivered from false apostles? And is that a metaphor for our entire cultural and political system? The suspense! The multivalent possibilities for meaning which we can debate and discuss for forty days! This will be a theologically and doctrinally surcharged--and socially distanced--ride to Canterbury this year through sleet and snow and with well sanitized reins in our hands. Ride on, good pilgrims!

  10. There is something to be said for being in the right place at the right time and after
    20 years living in Wyoming...Matthias got my vote!

  11. Lent Madness is the best kind of madness, unlike the pandemic madness we are all going through.
    Camillus for me in honor of all healthcare workers from which I am (thankfully) retired.

  12. I come from a long line of nurses and other medical professionals, with more than a few military types thrown in, and even a gambler or two, so Camillus was the obvious choice for me. Moreover, the radical transformation that his perseverance in faith wrought in this man is compelling.

  13. As an impartial jurist in this impeachment, I mean match up, I must go by the evidence presented. The paucity of evidenced for Matthias sadly leaves me with only one choice and that is to vote for Camillus de Lilles. Besides his name is more melodic.

  14. What a joy to have Lent Madness back, and, true to form, starting with such a difficult choice. Having always had a soft spot for Matthias I regret not voting for him. In a year in which so many health care workers have risked their own lives in caring for others I vote for Camillis with great thanksgiving for all who find their vocation in medicine.

  15. First ever CPE experience?!

    "The leg wound continued to plague Camillus, so he went back to the same hospital for treatment, working in exchange for a place to live. He eventually became the hospital’s superintendent while growing in his faith through spiritual direction, confession, and prayer."

  16. Thank you "Lent Madness" for returning. I love learning about the saints! My church decided not to participate in lent madness this year but, that doesn't stop me. I love it.

  17. Camillus: what a storied life! Can only imagine what kitsch might be out there should he make it to the Elate Eight.

  18. St Camillus holds a special place in my heart.
    One of my 1st nursing assignments was St Camillus Hall, a med-sug Hall in a Baltimore Hospital. Before that, I’d never heard of him!

  19. Right out of the gate and already struggling to choose. I thought for sure I'd be voting for Matthias since that's the name of the husband of one of my dearest friends plus I tend towards folks whose stories we don't seem to know as well and underdogs. Seeing how popular Camillus appears based on comments here had me going back to Matthias even more...

    BUT! The tears rolled as I read about Camillus and, as happens here in Lent Madness, I found myself connecting with a hitherto unknown saint. Perhaps because of my own struggles with chronic illness and not being helped and relentlessly ongoing symptoms... but I also know the tipping point was that I happened to receive an update email from Cure, Intl this morning concerning a young lady whose procedure I'd helped with when I was able to give regularly. Long story short, it was nice to be able to give a little towards helping heal things that can be fixed (even when mine can't really)... So Camillus won me over today.