Monday Madness -- February 10, 2014

Today is Viginti-tribus-gesima, with Lent Madness starting in just 23 days. With the crowning glory of Ash Thursday just around the corner, Tim and Scott have a question for you: Have you showed your love of the Lord by shopping in the Lentorium yet? There's not much more time. Hurry up and buy your Saintly Scorecards, bracket posters, mugs, and sundry items. Buy now!

Also, it's important to practice Lent Madness evangelism. Make sure you have liked us on Facebook, followed us on Twitter, viewed us on Vimeo, stared at us on Youtube, and whatevered us on Pinterest. Most important: encourage all your friends to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Here is this week's video, chock full of cinematic mastery and cheesy effects. On the latter front, please note the debut of our brand new opening transition effect!

You can see more videos on our Vimeo channel. And make sure you watch Maple Anglican's excellent work over at LentMadnessTV on Youtube.


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Monday Madness — February 4, 2014

Apparently some basketball teams run their own bracket. Thanks to Warren Buffet you can get one billion dollars for correctly completing that other bracket. It's madness! Because Lent Madness is better than basketball, the prize for flawlessly completing a Lent Madness bracket is also better. Watch this week's episode of Monday Madness (Tuesday Edition) to learn more.

Scott and Tim urge you to show how much you love Jesus by buying plenty of copies of the Saintly Scorecard and the giant bracket poster. You'll also want to follow Lent Madness on Twitter and Facebook.

Don't forget to head over to the Lentorium so you stock up on Lent gifts for all your friends and neighbors.


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Monday Madness -- January 20, 2014

The arrival of the pre-Lent high season brings back weekly episodes of Monday Madness, starting today! In this week's episode, Tim and Scott discuss how every lover of Lent Madness will be enjoying this "gesima" season, and not just on Sundays. Even more important, they highlight the newly published Saintly Scorecard: The Definitive Guide to Lent Madness 2014.

Saintly ScorecardYes, you know you want it: 96 pages of pure gold, including the official biographies of each of the 32 saints in this year's bracket. You can get biographies of your favorite Celebrity Bloggers, a handy glossary, and a brief history of Lent Madness. Each copy is hand signed* by the Supreme Executive Committee, and every single one features a full-color fold-out bracket, suitable for framing. Buy one for $3, ten or more for just $2 each, and if you go crazy with 25 or more copies, they're only a buck each. Just go buy it right now.

You can also get the Saintly Scorecard for your Kindle or Nook. Coming soon to an iGizmo near you.

Forget Downton Abbey, the best video entertainment is found on the Lent Madness channel on Vimeo.

* -- Some copies, or perhaps all of them, may have a printed signature.

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Madness Comes to Cyber Monday

At Lent Madness, we know a few things about Mondays. After all, we crank out brilliant new episodes of Monday Madness every week during the Lent Madness high season (aka Lent). During the rest of the year, 50% of the SEC (the one with Mondays off) focuses his Monday devotions on the eighth sacrament of coffee. So we Mondayologists were a bit nonplussed when internet culture tried to crash our Monday party with Cyber Monday. What to do?

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. So we at Lent Madness are pleased to announce Cyber Monday specials that can't be missed. Pull out your wallets. Then call your friends and neighbors and tell them to pull out their wallets. Today would be a good day to test out the parish phone tree or to send out a special breaking news email.

Dog in the MangerTim's latest book, Dog in the Manger: Finding God in Christmas Chaos, is available at a jaw-dropping and timely bargain price of just $5 from Forward Movement. The book features illustrations by Jay Sidebotham. You can even find -- hidden inside the book, like a treasure hunt -- a rare example of rapprochement among the archnemeses, in which Tim goes on record saying something nice about Scott. But buy the book for Tim's funny but spiritually helpful stories of God showing up even in Christmas chaos. It's so good, you'll be tempted to junk your usual same-old, same-old reading from St. Luke on Christmas Eve and use this instead. (We don't think you should do that, but that's how good this book is.)

Lent Madness Bracket Poster 2014Carrying over from Purple Friday, today is the last day to stock up on Lent Madness 2014 Bracket Posters. This is your last chance to buy these things for only $6. At that price, you can buy one for every parish in your deanery, one for everyone in your child's third grade class, and one for everyone in your Tuesday night poker game. Or whatever. The point is that you should buy at least a dozen at this bargain price. They're giant brackets printed on vellum and/or high-quality paper, shipped folded but miraculously unfolding into a spectacular 24" by 36" poster. Then go wallpaper your foyer.

There are more Cyber Monday specials from Forward Movement. Take note of FREE SHIPPING if you use code CYBER13 on your order. This is good on all Forward Movement products including Lent Madness mugs. Instructions for doing that are in the magical email flyer for Cyber Monday. This offer is good until 3:00 am EST (midnight in California) so place your order TODAY.

So, TGIM! and we're glad to bring Lent Madness into this Advent season of hope and expectation. And brackets.

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Monthly Madness: Purple Friday Doorbuster Special

Despite our belief that Lent Madness mugs will be the salvation of the church, The Supreme Executive Committee deplores crass commercialization. We're especially opposed to the non-Lenten buying frenzy of the day after Thanksgiving. We believe that all post-Thanksgiving shopping should support the spread of Lent to every aspect of our church and secular life. In this spirit, since we know many of you are determined to open your wallets this weekend anyway, we hope you will opt to take part in Purple Friday, the famous day when people do their early Lent shopping. Watch this video to see Tim and Scott report on this year's Purple Friday:

As you'll see, they reveal this year's Purple Friday Doorbuster Special, so called because people are breaking down the doors of our website snagging big bargains. Hurry up! Time is short! The end is near!

Lent Madness Bracket Poster 2014You can buy the Lent Madness 2014 Bracket Poster, featuring the complete listing of every saint in the bracket and a bonus QR code so random people in your parish hall can pull out their phones and go right to the Lent Madness website without exhausting their thumbs typing in the web address Buy one for your church, one for home, one for your car, and several for your neighbors. They make excellent stocking stuffers for all your favorite Lent Madness fans.

This weekend only, buy Lent Madness 2014 Bracket Posters for only $6. That's a 40% savings off the full retail price. At that discount, you can buy one for everyone on your Christmas, Advent, and Lent shopping lists.

When you spend money on Purple Friday, you are not only getting an excellent price, you are supporting the ministry of Forward Movement and the spread of Lent Madness. Speaking of spending money, Forward Movement is running a fantastic sale on Cyber Monday, so visit their website on Monday to snag great bargains, including an unbeatable price on Tim's book, Dog in the Manger: Finding God in Christmas Chaos. For now, buy plenty of Lent Madness 2014 Bracket Posters and make this the best Purple Friday ever.

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Pope Endorses Lent Madness!

The Supreme Executive Committee was poring over the Supreme Pontiff's latest missive, Evangelii Gaudium. We Supremes like to keep an eye on what the others are doing. For example, we are considering adopting purple robes along the lines of those worn by the Supreme Court.

Pope Francis in Purple

Pope Francis wears his Lent Madness fan chasuble.

Anyway, our eyes perked right up when we realized that Pope Francis had endorsed Lent Madness. From paragraph 6, "There are Christians whose lives seem like Lent without Easter." He goes on to say, "I realize of course that joy is not expressed the same way at all times in life, especially at moments of great difficulty. Joy adapts and changes, but it always endures, even as a flicker of light born of our personal certainty that, when everything is said and done, we are infinitely loved."

So even amidst Lent, we are to experience joy. That is surely a solid, if tacit, endorsement of Lent Madness. We could not agree more, because that's exactly why the SEC promotes levity alongside penitence. Life is too short to deny joy, even for a moment, let alone forty days and forty nights.

We're glad to accept the Pope's endorsement, and the SEC would be happy to concelebrate a festive mass at St. Peter's on any day of the Holy Father's choosing during Lent 2014. While we're in Rome (we'll be happy to stay in the Apostolic Apartments, since we hear they're vacant), we'll console Pope Francis on his namesake's loss in the Faithful Four of Lent Madness 2010.

Keep doing a good job, Your Holiness, and you might make it into the bracket one day in the life to come -- or perhaps, in this life, onto the SEC as an Honorary Supreme. But probably not.

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One Day of #Lentitude

lentitudeIf you've spent any time on Facebook or Twitter this month, your feed is clogged with cat photos, political outrage, and one more thing that's equally insidious. #30daysofgratitude is all the rage. People say what they're grateful for. Ad nauseum.

The SEC is pro-Thanksgiving. That's why we're going to eat a big feast on Thanksgiving Day. More important, it's why we celebrate the Eucharist, with its Great Thanksgiving, every Sunday. But a whole month of unicorns and puppies is a bit much. So we've decided to offer a counterpoint. #Lentitude.

Today is One Day of #Lentitude. Here's our invitation. Go with Jesus into the wilderness. It's no party. It's full of things to make a person grumpy: weeds, sand, heat, scorpions, and a lack of espresso bars. Today only, we invite you -- all day long -- to share the things that make you grumpy or that annoy you. Give something up! Do Lent stuff today!

Here's a suggestion list. Naturally, it's a list of Ten Ways to Do #Lentitude.

10. Give something up for a day.
9. Say the Stations of the Cross at church or at your local coffee place.
8. "Reconcile" with someone by telling them the ways in which they annoy you.
7. Wear purple.
6. Wander in the wilderness for 40 minutes (hey, you only have one day).
5. Call your local radio station and ask them to play the Lent Madness Theme Song instead of the Christmas music they probably have on.
4. Eat twigs. With garlic.
3. Every time someone says, "How are you?" tell them about every problem you have, have ever had, or might ever have.
2. Email everyone in your address book your favorite Lent hymn texts. Send several in separate messages.
1. Post #Lentitude at least 40 times on your social media. That means 40 different ways in which you suffer. In so doing, all your friends will suffer too. #Lentitude is the gift that keeps on giving.

Enjoy #Lentitude! But not too much, because enjoyment is for Easter and sparkle ponies only.

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Monthly Madness -- November 2013

In this month's video, the Supreme Executive Committee shares one of the ways they plan to take over Advent. Hint: it involves Tim's new book. Also, they share their plan for One Day of #Lentitude to counteract #30daysofgratitude sweeping social media. Make your plans to celebrate tomorrow, November 14.

For more videos, tune into the Lent Madness Channel on Vimeo.


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An All Saints' Dance!

The Supreme Executive Committee wishes to extend a Happy All Saints' Day greeting to you and yours. Of course, for people in the know, this day is really The Feast of Golden Halo Winners and Their Companions. We managed to get some video of George Herbert, C. S. Lewis, Mary Magdalene, and Frances Perkins enjoying a dance. Winners of the Golden Halo in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013, they are partying while they wait to welcome the next lucky saint into the super-elect company of Lent Madness champions.

This is a good time to suggest that you should probably spend the rest of November and all of Advent working on your brackets. To get you in the mood, enjoy more videos on the Lent Madness channel over at Vimeo. You might also enjoy some videos from A Nun's Life, which inspired the SEC to get this scene on film.


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Monthly Madness -- September 2013

This month, Tim and Scott discuss the ever-popular Back to Lent Month and other important matters. Get the family gathered around the computer, invite a few neighbors over, and watch now.


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